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Bruna cow in Berguedà

Bull of bruna cow grazing.

Bull of bruna cow grazing.

The bruna cow of the pyrenees is a common breed in the Berguedà region, where we can see it in small herds in meadows between Scots pine and oak forests or in summer in large herds in the Alpine meadows.

Bruna cow grazing.

Bruna cow grazing.

The large herds take advantage of the absence of snow in summer, to graze in the highest areas, such as these alpine meadows in Coll de pal, above 2000 meters.

Bruna calf in an alpine meadow in Coll de pal.

Bruna calf in an alpine meadow in Coll de pal.

Tags: vaca bruna, pirineu, pirineo, bruna cow, bergueda, ramaderia, ganaderia, farming, cow @Copyright 2020

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