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Land preparation with disc harrow

Tractor working with a disc harrow.

Preparation of the land with a disc harrow, for the subsequent sowing of cereal for forage . With the disc plow, it is possible to eliminate the grass and that it is mixed with the earth. When the grass is abundant, it is not optimal to do it with a plow cultivator. With a moldboard plow, this work could also be carried out, but when turning the earth to great depth, we would alter the structure of the soil too often, it would be more exposed to erosion, it would be more uneven and with a greater presence of clods.

Work of the stands seen from behind.

After passing the disc harrow, the ground is free of grass, soft and quite fine. Until sowing time, only one plow cultivator pass will be required. Another advantage of disc harrows is that they are pushed in their circular motion by their own contact with the ground, which means they suffer less wear than moldboard plows and do not usually need sharpening.

Difference between the parts worked and without work(Puigventos at the background).

Difference between the parts worked and without work(Puigventos at the background).

Field with tall grass, before passing the disc harrow (in the background you can see the mountain of Montserrat).

Field with tall grass, before passing the disc harrow (in the background you can see the mountain of Montserrat).

Tags: montserrat, agricultura, farming, puigventos, abrera, olesa de montserrat, arada, arado, cereal, tractor, montserrati @Copyright 2020

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