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Sowing oats for forage in the Montserrat's plain

Planter working, with Montserrat in the background.

After preparing the land with the work of the disc harrow and the plow cultivator, with the land in perfect condition, it is time to sow. On this occasion, it is about sowing forage for silage, which is made up of a mixture of 95% oats (cereal) and 5% vetch (legume). By adding vetch, we increase the proportion of high quality protein and thanks to its root system, they fix nitrogen in the soil and improve its structure.

Planter seen from behind.

The used planter has small cultivator arms in front of it, which open the soil so that the tubes that come down from the planter boxes diposetin the seeds. Behind, a rake ensures that the seeds are buried. Once the sowing is done, it is convenient to give a pass with the roller, so that the seeds are correctly in contact with the ground and above all to level the ground, since at the time of harvest, the mincer will be able to work with the comb more close to the ground (without danger of obstacles or potholes), with which we will obtain more amount of forage.

Mixture of oat seeds and vetch, inside the planter.

Mixture of oat seeds and vetch, inside the planter.

View of the inside of a planter box.

View of the inside of a planter box.

Tags: agricultura, farming, tractor, cereal, abrera, olesa de montserrat, montserrati @Copyright 2020

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