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The Fox in Montserrat mountain

Fox exploring the zone.

Fox exploring the zone.

The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is the most abundant carnivore in the Montserrat natural park and its surroundings. The usual size of foxes is between 4 and 10kg, the males being normally larger than the females. Prefers to move during dusk, night, and dawn. Their diet is made up of rodents, birds, amphibians, reptiles, eggs, young roe deer, large insects, worms, mollusks, crabs and also berries and fruits. It has a great sense of smell, which allows it to successfully track its prey. Their characteristic reddish fur and their enormous tail (with a white end), make them an animal easy to identify and beautiful to admire. They are territorial and quite solitary animals (we can only see them grouped in the mating and breeding season).

Fox with her big tail.

Fox with her big tail.

Tags: zorro, guineu, fox, montserrat, puigventos, olesa de montserrat @Copyright 2020

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