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Montserrat viewed from Puigventos massif

Vegetation slowly regenerating.

Vegetation slowly regenerating.

The Montserrat mountain, seen from the Puigventos massif natural park, specifically from the pass named «Pla del fideuer», where the municipalities of Olesa de Montserrat and Vacarisses (Province of Barcelona) meet. In the plane you can also see the hermitage of Sant Salvador de les Espases and the plateau called "Pla de les bruixes". It can be observed how the vegetation (old oak forests (Quercus ilex ilex and Quercus ilex rotundifolia), downy oaks (Quercus humilis synonymous Quercus pubescens), black pine (Pinus nigra) and Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) begin to regenerate after More than 20 years have passed since the 1994 fire, which affected all the areas that we can see in the photo: Montserrat, pla de les bruixes, Sant Salvador de les Espases and Pla del Fideuer. As can be seen in the photograph, regeneration is faster in shady areas than in full sun areas.

Tags: puigventos, olesa de montserrat, vacarisses, montserrat @Copyright 2020

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