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Iberian ibex in Montserrat

Male iberian ibex walking on some rocks in Montserrat, in the municipality of el Bruc.

Male iberian ibex walking on some rocks in Montserrat, in the municipality of el Bruc.

Since the 90s, the mountain goat (Capra pyrenaica), medium-sized bovine(can reach 80cm / 2,6 feet at the shoulder and 110kg / 242lb weight), has been present again in Montserrat(Catalonia), thanks to its reintroduction, after being extinct centuries ago. Currently the population is in very good health and is at an optimal density(about 240 animals). However, to this day, they have not yet managed to cross the Llobregat river and settle in other rocky areas that would be conducive to them such as Pla de les bruixes, serra de l'Hospici, Puigventos, the cingles of Vacarises or the park Natural of Sant Llorenç de Munt and the Serra de l'obac.

Male ibex with large horns.

Male ibex with large horns.

The population centers of the mountain goat closest to Montserrat are to the south the Serra de Montsant and to the north in the Pyrenees (after the reintroduction of specimens in France).

Front view of a male iberian ibex.

Front view of a male iberian ibex.

Tags: cabra montes, cabra iberica, iberian ibex, montserrat, el bruc, anoia @Copyright 2020

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