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Reproduction of Iberian ibex

Breed of ibex with its mother.

Breed of ibex with its mother.

The mating of the Hispanic goat occurs during the heat period, which spans November, December and January. It is a polygamous spice. During the mating period, the spectacular fights between males can take place, for dominance over females. They usually reach sexual maturity before two years of age. The births generally take place from the end of April to the end of May, after about five months of gestation, each female can give birth to one, two or even three young. In areas with more abundance and quality of food, females tend to have more deliveries and a higher proportion of multiple births.

Male iberian ibex supervising a calf.

Male iberian ibex supervising a calf.

At the time of parturition and the most juvenile stage of the offspring, the females are located in steeper areas, to enjoy greater protection against predators, thanks to their magnificent adaptation to the rocky environment. In areas colonized by goats but that do not have large inaccessible rocky spaces, they can have difficulties for their settlement, if they coincide with predators such as the wolf or the bear, since they cannot take advantage of their great evolutionary advantage (the adaptation to move quickly by the rocks). The young are born with a weight of about 2.3kg, from the first hours they are able to follow their mothers walking on the rocks.

Cabra ibérica femella.

Cabra ibérica femella.

Tags: cabra montes, cabra iberica, iberian ibex, montserrat, el bruc, anoia @Copyright 2020

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