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Fog in the Pla de Bages

View of the fog blocked in the deepest parts of the

View of the fog blocked in the deepest parts of the

Often, in the days of winter anticyclone, from the north slope of Montserrat, we can see how the fog persists until noon in the Plà de Bages (The Bages region, in the province of Barcelona). The Plà de Bages area is known for its D.O. of wine, which is in a moment of great expansion.

The fog covers towns such as Sant Salvador de Guardiola, Salelles or Manresa, among many others.

The fog covers towns such as Sant Salvador de Guardiola, Salelles or Manresa, among many others.

Tags: bages, niebla, boira, manresa, montserrat, fog @Copyright 2020

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