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Moose in the Rocky Mountains

Moose males, with developing antlers.

Moose males, with developing antlers.

The moose (Alces alces) is the largest cervix in the world. In Europe is also know as Elk(In América elk as knowed the Cervus canadensis). It is found mainly in the boreal forests of Eurasia and America. He has preferences for areas with lagoons and bodies of water, since aquatic plants are an important part of his diet. Its size can reach 2.15m(7 feet) in height at the shoulders and a weight of 725kg( 1500lb). The Eurasian subspecies, inhabits Scandinavia, eastern and central Europe, Russia, Mongolia and China. Until the fourteenth century its presence in Europe was broader, also found in Scotland. For its part, the American subspecies, extends through Alaska, Canada and the United States. As we can see in its distribution range. They are animals perfectly adapted to the cold, thanks to their size (remember that the larger the body size, the low surface / volume ratio, the percentage loss of heat is lower, the main reason why in most mammals, the subspecies of areas colder they are larger than the other subspecies), their thick skin, thick fur and their large nose (large and fleshy, with high blood flow to heat the oxygen of the breath).

Female moose in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado state.

Female moose in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado state.

Males have antlers (except in the winter fall) and a small chin, while females lack both features. In the photos we can see specimens of the Alces alce shirasi subspecies (smaller than the Alaskan and Yukon subspecies, Alces alce gigas), in the Rocky Mountains, near the source of the Colorado River, in the State of Colorado. They like habitats with a variety of ground cover, meadows and marshes to graze, young forests to browse, and mature forests to rest and hide.

Male moose in a clearing in a coniferous forest.  In the background can see a white-tailed deer.

Male moose in a clearing in a coniferous forest. In the background can see a white-tailed deer.

Tags: colorado, montañas rocosas, rocky mountains @Copyright 2020

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