Herd of Rocky Mountain goat.
The Rocky Mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus), also called the white goat, lives in the alpine meadows of this North American mountain range. In winter it can go down to the subalpine forests in search of food and minerals. Its distribution area goes from Alaska to southern Utah and Colorado, passing through Canada. Their diet consists mainly of grass, they also eat ferns, mosses, lichens, leaves of shrubs and conifers. Her size is of 1m(3.3 feet) at the shoulder and weight of 140kg(309lb) Both males and females are endowed with horns. They have thick winter fur that they rub against bushes in hot summers to shed. This animal is perfectly adapted to high mountain life, as it is capable of withstanding extreme cold and windy conditions, as well as moving easily through the most rugged terrain. They can inhabit altitudes above 4,000m above sea level.
Female mountain goat and herd calf, in mount Evans at 3.700m(12.000 feet ) elevation.
They are used to giving birth to a single calf, although sometimes they can reach two. They can come together in large groups while feeding. In the same way that the iberian ibex the females are located in protected rocky places at the time of giving light. Due to its characteristics and habitat, its only predators are the puma and to a lesser extent the grizzlie bear.
Calf following her mother.
Tags: colorado, rocky mountain, montañas rocosasmontserratnatural.com @Copyright 2020
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