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Semi-desert climate in Cabo de Gata

The predominate size of plants is the small bush.

The predominate size of plants is the small bush.

Located at the southeastern end of the Iberian Peninsula, the Cabo de Gata Natural Park has a semi-arid climate (according to the Koppen classification). It is characterized by having very little rainfall, around 180mm of annual rainfall. Average temperatures range from between 12ºC in January (where frost is practically non-existent) and 26ºC in July. The annual average temperature is around 19ºC. These conditions of high temperatures and low precipitation cause a very important shortage and evaporation of the water available for the plants. We must add the effect of being a terrain of vulcanic origin that retains little water.Therefore we find species adapted to these arid and semi-desert environments.

The controversial Algarrobico hotel in 2020.

The controversial Algarrobico hotel in 2020.

The most typical species that we can find are the palm heart (Chamaerops humilis, the only palm native to Europe), the jujube (Ziziphus lotus), the small-leaved rosemary (Rosmarinus eriocalyx) or the thyme (Thymus vulgaris) among others.

Tags: cabo de gata, almeria @Copyright 2020

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