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Stoat in the forest

Ermine in taiga forest on norge lapland.

Ermine in taiga forest on norge lapland.

The stoat (Mustela erminea) also named ermine, weighing between 100 and 200gr, is one of the smallest carnivores in the world. It lives in forests and meadows of the northern hemisphere, both in Eurasia and North America. During the winter it changes its fur to the white color (with the tip of the black tail), to blend in with the snowy landscape (in the less cold areas, it maintains the brown coloring for winter fur.

Stoat with summer fur.

Stoat with summer fur.

Very similar to the weasel, it can be distinguished from it by having a slightly larger size and the line that separates the color from the well-defined ventral coat. In winter due to the stoat's snowy coat, it is clearly distinguishable from weasels. Due to its size, shape and agility, it can hide among the rocks or enter the burrows of its prey.

Tags: bosque, bosc, forest, laponia, lapland @Copyright 2020

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