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Reindeer in Finland

Male reindeer with deer covered horns.

Male reindeer with deer covered horns.

The reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) is a mammal that can reach a weight of about 200kg and a height at the withers of more than 1.1m. It inhabits the tundra and taiga forests of Eurasia and North America. Males are usually larger than females and have more developed horns. The antlers grow and fall annually, during the growth period they are covered in fluff. They feed on herbs, leaves and lichens that they look for in the forests of conifers, birches (as we can see in the photographs) or in the tundra.

Reindeer with the fluff of the recently fallen antler.

Reindeer with the fluff of the recently fallen antler.

Tags: lapland, reno, reindeer @Copyright 2020

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